Free E-Book with Medication training
Are you ready now to start your Medication Management Career?
We offer the 16-hour initial training required by the State of Nevada.
Complete the ENROLLMENT STEPS to secure your attendance.
If you need the 8-hour refresher we have that available online
How do I know which Medication class I need?
Call Today 702 489-5822
If you have never taken a Medication class in Nevada, you must take the initial class that is 16 hours. It must be taken on CQES Campus at 366o N. Rancho Dr. #101 Las Vegas, NV 89130. If you have taken the initial class and it has not expired (must be within one year) you may enroll for the 8-hour refresher.
Example of lapsed: Jan 7th, 2021 you took the initial class and now it is Feb 1st, 2022, you have gone past the renewal period. You must take the 16-hour class.
Example not lapsed: Jan 7th, 2022 you took the initial class and now it is Jan 1st, 2022, you may take the renewal refresher because you have 6 days left on your current certificate.
How do I take the Nevada State 8 Hour Refresher test?
After you have completed the online course we will be notified automatically. You may call the office and schedule a time for the test. Plan on 30-40 min for the testing.
Who gets the original certificate when the testing is complete?
If you have personally paid for the course, you will get the original certificate and then you should make a copy for your facility. If the facility paid for the course, they get the original and you do not get a copy from us. We highly recommend you pay for your own.
Want to understand OPIOIDS and the Health Consequences? Here is your opportunity to have a FREE eBook on OPIOIDS while it is still available at no charge.
Your continued education is our priority so don’t miss this offer. You will understand the difference between OPIOIDS and NSAID’s and how they work differently in the body. Understand side effects, risks associated with the use of the drug.